A Proven Way To Generate More Customer Referrals Than You Can Handle

By James Kupe

Imagine if all of your new customers came from referrals, and you didn't have to spend any money at all on advertising. And since referrals are usually much better to work with, buy at higher price points, and complain less, it would also make your business much more fun to be in and more profitable as well. So let's cut to the chase right now and discuss one of the best ways to get lots of referrals - Offer incentives to customers who refer their family and friends to your business. This really is a great way to get other people excited about helping your business grow.

Here's the easy way to get started. Contact your existing prospects and customers, and tell them they can have a 20-50% discount on one of your products or services if they'll send you two referrals. The only condition is that the referrals must become customers in order for them to receive the discount. Because the lifetime value of a customer can be thousands of dollars for most businesses, this idea could be worth a small fortune to you.

It's nearly always worth giving away a percentage of your profits like this on the front end because you can then make a lot more money on the backend from your new customers. And this works really well because your customers are always interested in a bargain or a bonus of some kind. Just making this offer to a few people every month could help you to consistently grow your business, and your clients love you for offering it.

OK, here's a different example...

If your customers are really excited or happy after they've purchased something from you (which is very common when people buy something they've wanted for a while), this is the perfect time to ask them for some referrals before they leave your store or business. You might print up a form and say something to them like -

"Hey Jill, it's great to see you're so happy with your new widget. I was just wondering, who else do you know who would like to have the same benefits you now have because of your purchase? Who else do you know who could use and enjoy the benefits and advantages of the widget you just bought?"

Then take a few minutes to help your customers think about people they know in their personal or business lives, at their Rotary or BMI club, or in their city or town who would get a lot of satisfaction from buying the same or a similar product. It can be hard to understand how motivated and excited customers can be after they've bought something they really wanted, but it's a powerful factor we can use to generate lots of great referrals from happy, satisfied customers. And this also helps people to confirm they've made a good decision by involving somebody they know and trust in the experience.

Letting your customers offer the same benefits to somebody else who's important to them is likely one of the most powerful forms of confirmation you can give them. And the beautiful thing is, your customers will thank you for giving them the chance to do this for themselves and their friends. It's a case where everyone wins.

The bottom line is you can use a simple referral system like this to immediately increase the number of customers you generate for your business every single day. It's pretty easy to do, it costs you virtually nothing, and it just means making a small change to the words you say at the end of each transaction. It really is that simple, and I hope it helps.

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