Are You A Master Entrepreneur Or A Cautious Optimist When Courage Is Required?

By Alan Taylor

It is so easy to fall back on the apparent safe course. We all do it. Whether it is just following the same food or travelling habits, or sticking to a formula, in a work context, that creates safe output and earnings. So how do we nurture courage? How do we step away from that comfort zone? How do we judge when it is worth it?

First of all, you have to believe in your courage. Can you accept that it is a positive quality, to facilitate your innovation, energy, passion and resilience? For sure, a courageous mentality means more brave efforts. It means more steps into the relative unknown. And, as a consequence, that means more pitfalls and potentially more failure. Either from random misfortune or unforeseen mistakes. It will happen. So your courage and resilience comes from accepting that sometimes not everything will go your way. Sometimes you will be successful. But sometimes you will need deep courage to carry on. Then you have to trust your own judgment. To judge when you decide to still doggedly hang on in there, regardless. Or when your instinct tells you that it really is better to cut your losses and get out fast.

Checklist for a Master Entrepreneur?

1. Will I learn from this relative leap into the unknown, whether I succeed or fail?

2. Is this opportunity new, innovative and differentiated enough, to have great upside potential if I put my full energy and skill into it?

3. What are my exit criteria and my stop-loss position if things start to go wrong?

Checklist for the Cautious Optimist?

1. Do I currently have all of the time, energy and available cash resources to make this opportunity work?

2. Should I now wait for something even more compelling?

3. Is my personal and family safety net strong enough right now - and worth deploying against the downside risk of this opportunity failing?

Let's recognize that there are few of us who go around every day, consciously seeking continual courageous acts. Quite often, they arise as a result of another event that prompts you to act in response. This may be a confrontation that you are not prepared to accept. Or alternatively a threat to your current business, or your pride, or your livelihood, that often means that you feel like you just have no alternative, other than to respond. In that situation doing nothing is normally not an option. So courage comes into play in deciding not whether to act - but how?

However, these acts of courage to take an opportunity do need a really conscious effort and a state of mind that reflects a hunger for more. This is often driven by internalized needs to prove something to yourself. And these needs offset any doubts or aversion to risk.

So with enough drive and energy, the doubts fall away and courage comes naturally to the Master Entrepreneur. Nurturing courage for the Cautious Optimist is not so easy, because there will always be a stack of reasons not to take the opportunity. With real confidence in yourself and an understanding of the balance of reward versus risk, you just have to give it a go. To learn much about yourself, whether the venture works or not.

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