top 10 rss feed 2013

As an Internet Entrepreneur with the business of blogging, subscribers are a great way to add stickiness to your blog. I explained this in my last post about RSS Feeds. RSS Feeds are a tool that prove to be an Internet Entrepreneur’s best friend. I have one that gives everyone updates to my site to their email or feed reading program. I thought it would be a good idea to give you guys inspiration by giving you a list of the top 10 subscribed RSS Feeds.
10. Dumb Little Man
This feed is listed as miscellaneous for it’s category, which is a perfect category for it, because it has posts about things from business to cooking. All of these things combine to create “tips for life”, which is kind of it’s slogan. After looking around this website, I was very intrigued and plan to go back and read some of the posts that interest me. It definitely is full of great content that could interest anyone, not just Internet Entrepreneurs.
This feed’s category is listed as technology, not surprising. This is the french version of TechCrunch. I love the layout of the whole site and with a translator, I found the posts to be very interesting. But I think I’ll stick to the English version of TechCrunch.
8. 43 Folders
This feed is from another technology website. This website’s theme is pretty cool. They seem to have a sort of question and answer section. This is a website that doesn’t particularly interest me, but I’m sure other Internet Entrepreneurs might like it. So, you may want to check it out to see if it’s right for you.
7. Mashable
This feed is from a technology news website. This website is awesome and I go to often to see what’s new. They also have an App for all you iPhone, iPad, and iTouch users. I may link to some of they’re articles later on. Ultimately, I would love to be a writer for Mashable. But I don’t know how to get up to date on all the online going-ons.
6. Interesting Thing of the Day
This feed is from a website with random information that is posted. Honestly, I wouldn’t subscribe to this feed because most of it I would not be interested in. But I’m sure if I searched around I could find some stuff that would interest me. So if you want random facts, that is the website for you.
5. Xataka
Another foreign technology website. But in this case it’s Spanish. To all you Spaniards, this will be the site for you. It’s got great information and is very well set up. I just don’t understand it.
4. Simply Recipes
This website is just a huge database of thousands of recipes. If you like to cook, you can find lots of great recipes on here. I, being more of an Internet Entrepreneur then a cook, have no interest but it’s nice for people that like those kind of things.
3. TechCrunch
This is the English version of the technology website I mentioned earlier. It’s nicely set up and I read it sometimes, but I stick more to Mashable. If you want technology information this is a great website though.
2. Boing Boing
This is another technology website, but it adds a bit of humor. This website intrigued me but I haven’t looked too closely at it. It seems very informational though and is definitely a website to check out.
1. Engadget
This technology website has the top subscribed feed. This feed has almost 2 million subscribers! With that many subscribers, this website must be very interesting. As I looked at it, it seemed like any tech geeks paradise. So it doesn’t surprise me there are so many subscribers.
I hope this post inspired you to get subscribers, please join my list! I don’t know if I can get the 2 million, but I’m sure going to try. So make sure that you have a sign up link to your feed visible on your site. If you can make it onto this Top 10, then your probably making millions of dollars, which I know any Internet Entrepreneur would want.


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