You Can't Make Money Online

By Howe Russell

Out of the thousands of people who will attempt to make money online this year, over 97% of them will fail. We're going to show you why in today's post so you can avoid the most common mistakes made. Before we begin, it's important to note that we have built a five figure income.

You're about to discover why.

There are two popular ideas about working from home. You'll either be drawn towards the idea of living an internet guru lifestyle, making money on autopilot without much effort or you'll be attracted to the prospect of building your brand from scratch and establishing your name in your niche.

Sadly, for most people that first vision is the far more appealing of the two.

One of the most common pitfalls of internet marketing, and online business in general, is the false label it attracts as some kind of easy solution to financial issues. You cannot create a life changing income without a life changing effort. Most people make the false assumption that people just join a program and push a button to reach success, this is not true, of course.

Once you fall into that mentality you will become another failure statistic of the internet generation. There are more than enough people out there who are prepared to tell you time and time again that you must join their latest must have system or automatic income generating program to answer all of your family's financial woes. If you keep falling for it, they will keep on doing it to you.

If you genuinely want to become your own boss the first step is to start taking yourself seriously. Otherwise you'll never actually start achieving it. Set your goals, a long term and short term target, then do something every single day to get you close to achieving them. []

The stage where most internet marketers come unstuck is, of course, making it happen. It is easy to talk a big game about how you want to change your financial life or build your family a secondary income online. Making it a reality is another thing entirely. Don't just set goals, REACH them.

If you harbor dreams of being an affiliate for an online business like Global Domains International or Empower Network you'll generally face the same issues as someone looking to set up a business from scratch in the real world, so keep your wits about you and you will get there in the end. Ultimately, it is about determination.

There are no guarantees when attempting to make money online and there are no secret pathways to success. Ultimately you'll need to keep to your goals if you ever want to achieve them, it's as simple simply as putting in the effort for yourself.

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